Model Factories


How to create a new form:

You can start to build a Form using:

    Form::build('New Form')->save();

The slug for this form will be new-form. Sort will be the next one to the last in the forms table.

Updating a form:

You can update an existent form using updateForm:

        ->title('Second Form')

Other things you can customize are:


You can customize the position of the form:

    Form::build('New Form title')


You can define a slug for the form, by default it is built based in the title.

    Form::build('New Form title')

You can define a menu title text for the form (null by default):

    Form::build('New Form title')
        ->menuTitle('new form menu title')


You can define a description text for the form (null by default):

    Form::build('New Form title')
        ->description('new form description')

All together

    Form::build('New Form title')
        ->menuTitle('new form menu title')
        ->description('new form description')


How to create a new form step:

You can start to build a FormStep using:

    FormStep::build($form, 'First Step Title')->save();

You need a form $form created to add a form step.

The slug for this form step will be first-step-title. Sort will be the next one to the last in the form_steps table.

Updating a form step:

You can update an existent form step using updateFormStep:


Other things you can customize are:


You can customize the position of the form step:

    FormStep::build($form, 'New Step title')


You can define a slug for the form step, by default it is built based in the title.

    FormStep::build($form, 'New Step title')

You can define the menu title text of the form step (null by default):

    FormStep::build($form, 'New Step title')
        ->menuTitle('new step menu title')


You can define the description of the form step (null by default)

    FormStep::build($form, 'New Step title')
        ->description('new step description')


You can decide to encrypt the answers defining the step as a step that contains personal data, it is not encrypted by default:

    FormStep::build($form, 'New Step title')

All together

    FormStep::build($form, 'New Step title')
        ->menuTitle('new step menu title')
        ->description('new step description')


How to create a new question:

You can start to build a Question using:

    Question::build($formStep, 'A Question')->save();

You need a form step $formStep created to add a question.

The slug for this question will be a-question. Sort will be the next one to the last in the questions table (for this step).

Updating a form question:

You can update an existent form step using updateFormStep:

      ->title('Second Question')

Other things you can customize are:


You can customize the position of the question:

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')


You can customize the slug of the question:

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')


You should show that question to the frontend only when parent question is answered with a particular value:

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')

$parentQuestion is the question that makes this question appear.


Add the values for the parent question who make the son question to appear:

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')
        ->shownWhen([10, 30])

Another example could be:

    Question::build($formStep, 'What hobbies do you have')


You can add a description for a question. Like a little text that could appear near the title.

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')
        ->description('new question description')


You could use that in the frontend to group different questions of the same step. I encourage you to use a constant in order to avoid mistakes.

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')
        ->groupBy('A group by text')


You could use that in the frontend to get the description of the group questions. I encourage you to use a constant is order to avoid mistakes.

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')
        ->groupBy('A group by text')
        ->groupByDescription('A description for a group by text')


You can tell to the frontend where do you want to put the label of the question using this property.

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')


If you want to add a help tooltip this can be the text:

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')
        ->helpTitle('A help title')


Guess that your help tooltip has title and body. You can use that to transmit the body:

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')
        ->helpTitle('A help title')
        ->helpBody('A help body')


You can use this property to set a text what will appear next to the input like the currency symbol.

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')
        ->postInputText('A post input text')


You can customize the error message from the backend when the validation fails, this text will be send to the frontend.

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')
        ->errorMessage('A custom error message')


You can define a default value for a question. This will be populated when the form steps are added to the model using HasWebForms trait.

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')
        ->errorMessage('A custom error message')


You can define a min value for a number question. This will be used in the validation

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')


You can define a max value for a number question. This will be used in the validation

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')


You can choose the question's type between age, boolean, date, email, integer, money, options, percent, phone, text and year-month. It will be a text question by default.

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')


If it's an options question you can add the options for the question using this method:

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')
        ->options([10, 20, 30])


You can tell to the frontend that this question is required using this method. This will be used to mark the step as complete too.

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')

All together

    Question::build($formStep, 'New question title')
        ->description('new question description')
        ->groupBy('A group by text')
        ->groupByDescription('A description for a group by text')
        ->helpTitle('A help title')
        ->helpBody('A help body')
        ->postInputText('A post input text')
        ->errorMessage('A custom error message')
        ->defaultValue('A default value')
        ->shownWhen([10, 30])
        ->options([10, 20, 30])