
General structure

Form -> FormStep -> Question -> Answer.

A Form has many form steps.

A FormStep belongs to a form. A form step has many questions.

A Question belongs to a form step. A question has answers.

An Answer belongs to a user. An answer also belongs to a question.



  • name.

  • description.

  • menu_title you can use it in a menu.

  • slug is a unique string.

  • sort is a numerical value. Can be used to sort these forms.



  • form_id is the id of the Form it belongs to.

  • title.

  • description.

  • is_personal_data is a boolean about encrypt the data in the database. If it's true the values will be stored as encrypted values.

  • menu_title you can use it in a menu.

  • slug is a unique string.

  • sort is a numerical value. Can be used to sort these form steps.



  • form_step_id is the id of the FormStep it belongs to.

  • depends_on you can have a use case where a question A (this question) is only shown when other question B has a certain value or values. This attribute is the id of the question B.

  • shown_when have the values when that field must be shown. It is a json value like 'shown_when' => json_encode([1, 2], true) or 'shown_when' => json_encode([true], true).

  • slug is a unique string.

  • sort is a numerical value. Can be used to sort these questions.

  • group_by is used if you want to put some questions together under the same title in a step. It's like a section in a step. It's likely a constant string.

  • group_by_description is used if you have some description for the group of questions. It's likely a constant string.

  • label_position can be used to move the label to the left, right or top.

  • help_title is used to show some extra info about this question to the user.

  • help_body is the body of the help that you'll show to the user.

  • type is the type of the question. You can select, at this moment, these types (all that you can find in the class QuestionTypes): date, year-month, integer, money, age, percent, boolean, options, text, phone, email.

  • post_input_text is a text that will be shown after the input field like /month, /year...

  • title is the text of the question.

  • description is the description of the question.

  • error_message is the text that we'll send to the front. If it's null then you will get a default one.

  • default_value is used when the question has a default value that is needed to populate before user answers this question.

  • min is used when an integer field is being validated.

  • max is used when an integer field is being validated

  • options is used when the question is of the type options. It's a json field. Then you should add, if you are working with the DB facade, as json_encode(['key' => 'title', 'key-2' => 'title 2'], true). If you are working with the model itself you can use ['key' => 'title', 'key-2' => 'title 2'].

  • required is used when you want to mark the question as required.



  • user_id is the id of the User it belongs to.

  • question_id is the id of the Question it belongs to.

  • text is the value of the answer. It's cast to the correct type based in the question type.

  • confirmed is a boolean that you can use if you want to confirm an answer in other way like an email, cellphone. Fields that need to be confirmed are defined in the config key fields_to_be_confirmed settled as email, and phone by default.

  • is_real. It's false when the answer is created using the default_value defined in the question so that it's not an answer provided by the user. At the moment the user confirms the answer this is settled to true.

  • is_current when a user answers a question the package stores the answer and mark it with is_current as true. The package marks the previous ones with is_current as false.