User Endpoints

For this section we will guess that you have the following in an auth routes file:




You can obtain the forms making a GET request to the endpoint:


It will return a list of sorted forms. You will only obtain the forms where the user have steps added in a response like:

    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "sort": 1,
            "slug": "a-form",
            "menu_title": "First form",
            "title": "A Form",
            "description": "This is the first form",
            "completed": false

Form Step


You can obtain the form steps for a user making a GET request to the endpoint:


It will return a list of sorted form steps in a response like:

    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "form": {
                "id": 1,
                "sort": 1,
                "slug": "a-form",
                "menu_title": "First form",
                "title": "A Form",
                "description": "This is the first form",
                "completed": false
            "sort": 1,
            "slug": "a-form-step",
            "menu_title": "First Form Step",
            "title": "A Form Step",
            "description": "This is the first form step",
            "completed": false

You can filter it down by form using form query parameter like:


It only will show form that user can see.


A question with a default value creates a fictional answer. If you want to persist those answers as real ones you need to make a PUT request to this endpoint:


It will return the same as the GET request shown above.

Alternatively you can make $formStep->markFictionalAnswersAsRealFor($user).



You can obtain the questions for a user making a GET request to the endpoint:


If you want only questions for a singular form step you can pass it as a query parameter:


It will return a list of sorted questions in a response like:

    "data": [
            "id": 2,
            "form_step": {
                "id": 1,
                "sort": 1,
                "slug": "a-form-step",
                "menu_title": "First Form Step",
                "title": "A Form Step",
                "description": "This is the first form step",
                "completed": false
            "sort": 2,
            "depends_on": 1,
            "shown_when": [true],
            "required": true,
            "slug": "first-question",
            "group_by": "Personal Info",
            "group_by_description": "We need some personal information from you",
            "label_position": "left",
            "help_title": "Your month of birthday",
            "help_body": "The month you were born",
            "type": "options",
            "post_input_text": ":season:",
            "title": "What month do you birth",
            "description": "Please, provide the month of your birthday",
            "error_message": "This is an incorrect month",
            "default_value": "june",
            "min": null,
            "max": null,
            "options": [
                    "label": "January",
                    "value": "january"
                    "label": "June",
                    "value": "june"
                    "label": "December",
                    "value": "december"
            "answer": {
                "id": 123,
                "user_id": 10,
                "question_id": 2,
                "text": "june",
                "confirmed": true



You can answer/update an answer to a question by a user making a POST request to the endpoint:


With the following payload:

    "question_id": 2,
    "text": "june"

The response will be the question with the answer:

    "data": {
        "id": 2,
        "form_step": {
            "id": 1,
            "sort": 1,
            "slug": "a-form-step",
            "menu_title": "First Form Step",
            "title": "A Form Step",
            "description": "This is the first form step",
            "completed": false
        "sort": 2,
        "depends_on": 1,
        "shown_when": [true],
        "required": true,
        "slug": "first-question",
        "group_by": "Personal Info",
        "group_by_description": "We need some personal information from you",
        "label_position": "left",
        "help_title": "Your month of birthday",
        "help_body": "The month you were born",
        "type": "options",
        "post_input_text": ":season:",
        "title": "What month do you birth",
        "description": "Please, provide the month of your birthday",
        "error_message": "This is an incorrect month",
        "default_value": "june",
        "min": null,
        "max": null,
        "options": [
                "label": "January",
                "value": "january"
                "label": "June",
                "value": "june"
                "label": "December",
                "value": "december"
        "answer": {
            "id": 123,
            "user_id": 10,
            "question_id": 2,
            "text": "june",
            "confirmed": true